CISC474, Spring 2005, Homework H01 (individual)
Assigned 2/8

A simple web page on copland/strauss

The simplest way to create a web page on strauss is to make a directory called public_html under your home directory, and put a file in that directory called index.htm or index.html.

Then, if your username is foobar, that web page is available under all of the following URLs:

Note that it is NOT available as

Many students may want to have personal pages under that URL. So for consistency, the web page you will create for this assignments should be put in a file called index.html (use the full four letter extension) in a directory called ~/public_html/cisc474 (lowercase).

That will make it available under the URLs:

The web page you create for this first assignment should be a simple one created in a text editor such as vi or emacs, not with a tool such as Dreamweaver, Front Page, Netscape Composer, etc. (There will be a role for such tools later on in this course, but not for this assignment.) In particular, you should be able to explain every character in the source code of your page, something that might be tough to do if you use code generated by a sophisticated tool.

( If you want to impress me with your fancy web design skills, go ahead and do that under your regular “root” web site (i.e. in ~/public_html/index.html; as far as I’m concerned what’s under that URL is your own business; the only restrictions are those placed by society and the University, and I’ll stay out of it. Under that directory you may use whatever tools you like.)

At a minimum, your page should contain (1) your name, (2) a link to the web page for CISC474 (, (2) the names of the folks in your temporary group, with links to their cisc474 web pages.

You should demonstrate the use of the following tags, at a minimum. Other tags and/or attributes of tags are perfectly fine, as long as you can explain to me and/or to the class the meaning and proper usage of those tags. (You may be called on in class to do so.) Later assignments will add more tags to this list. For now, don’t use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). (We’ll add those in a future homework assignment.)


<A HREF=””></A>

Due Date: Have your page up and available by 10am Monday, 2/14.
: 50