INSTRUCTIONS file for "knowledge" directory for CISC474

The files in this directory contain quick references to knowledge you will need to succeed in this course, or which may be useful.

Some of it will be knowledge you already have from previous experience; the rest of it you will be expected to learn this semester.

Some of it is in the form of basic "facts" that you can just memorize; for example:

the <% introduces a section of Java code in a JSP file.
Some of it is in the form of "skills" that you will need to develop by practicing them, for example:
A skill that you might need as a Java Consultant in the real world: You are given a description of a project based on Java Servlet and JSP technology, and some sample files from that project. Based on that, write a short report (1 page or less) addressing each of the following questions:
  1. Do you have enough information to determine whether the project is structured on the Model-View-Controller model (MVC) model or not (if not, what additional information do you need to be provided with?)
  2. If the project is not based on that model, describe the advantages that would be obtained by restructuring it to conform to that model, and breifly, how you might recommend going about that.

    Your explanation should be understandable to a manager familiar with software engineering concepts, but not necessarily with Java Servlet, JSP, or J2EE details. The manager will use your explanation to determine whether to fund the project (a "yes" will result in billable hours for you and your company.)

  3. If the project is based on the MVC model, describe the advantages of that, and how your company can leverage that good design to build enhancements to the system. Suggest at least one specific enhancement that could be added easily (by your company of course, generating billable hours) and how the MVC design facilitates adding that enhancement.

Some of the knowledge contained in these files is spelled out in detail right in the file (this is more true of the simple "facts"). For the rest of it, the knowledge is only described, and you are expected to uncover it through your reading, assignments, projects, class discussions, and other activities. It will not necessarily be spoon-fed to you in lecture.

Stuff you would be expected to know on an exam is marked (MIDTERM) or (FINAL). Anything marked (MIDTERM) is also fair game for the final unless otherwise indicated. Stuff marked (USEFUL) is helpful to know, but would probably not appear on an exam.

IMPORTANT: This set of files is not necessarily a complete list of everything you need to know for either of these exams; just a helpful reference.

Contributions to this "body of knowledge" are welcomed; especially tips and tricks that you have found helpful, or explanation of concepts that you think classmates would benefit from. Class participation or extra credit may be offered for particularly good contributions. Post suggestions on the discussion board for "Body of Knowledge Discussions" on WebCT.

Phillip T Conrad
Last modified: Tue Feb 8 08:59:56 EST 2005