CISC474: Contacting your instructors

Prof. Conrad and your TA Emily Gibson want you to know that we are very interested in your questions, your feedback about the course, and in helping you to be successful. So, here are some helpful hints about contacting us:

  1. If your question is about something that you think may interest other students in your class as well, please consider using the Discussion Board on the WebCT page for the course rather than private email.
  2. Your instructor and your TA try to work as a team. So, when you email either one of us, please consider cc'ing your instructor on email to your TA, and cc'ing your TA on mail to your instructor. Obviously there will be cases where this won't be approrpriate, so this isn't a "rule"—just a suggestion. Use your best judgement.
  3. To help your email reach us (i.e. get past the spam filters), these things are helpful:
    1. Put CISC474 in the subject line
    2. Send from your email account
    3. Avoid MS Word attachments unless you are told otherwise (we often read email on systems with no MS Word available.)

(last updated 2/7/05)