CISC370, Homework H03, Summer 2007:
Distributing Your Source

Due: Tuesday, 07/03, 11:55pm

Better: Try to get it done by noon, Thursday 06/28
so that you can ask questions in class
on Thursday if you run into problems,
and get a start on H04!

Note that H04 is due
Thursday 07/05 at 11:55pm!
So you need to get done with this one!


In this homework assignment, we'll take several steps towards a more professional approach to software development than you may be used to from previous CIS courses.

What you may be used to is this:

What we will be doing instead:


How Ant, JUnit, and JavaDoc, SVN will support this approach

Open Source means "distribute your source"

If you are doing open source development, you have to distribute your source code. This is usually done in the form of a tarball (gzipped tar file), or a zip file.

In this homework, we'll see how we can automate this process using Ant.

Open Source means: "document well"

Distributing your source means other folks need to be able to use it. That means you need to document well. In this homework assignment, we'll learn how to use Ant and Javadoc to help automate this process.

However, this process cannot be fully automated. It requires discipline, thought, creativity, and some effort on your part. It is a process that is both a skill and an art. (More on this below)

Open Source means: you need to test!

Other people will be using your code. So you would really hope you find all the bugs before you distribute it.

We'll get more practice with using Ant and JUnit to do test-driven development in this homework assignment.

Open Source means: organizing the namespace

You may want to use software by folks you've never met, and they may want to use your software. But, in a given Java program, you can't have two classes with the same name. How can you be sure you won't have any names that conflict?

In this homework assignment, we'll learn how to use the package feature of Java to address this problem.


Open Source means: code that changes over time
Open Source means: collaboration among multiple programmers

We won't take these two items on in this particular assignment, but soon we'll be learning SubVersion: a source code revision control system that will help us with those two particular aspects of professional open source development.

More Background (Required Reading—don't skip this!)

The Art of Documenting Well

The ability to write good documentation is not something I can directly pour into your brain like a "fact" (e.g. "Dover is the capital of Delaware", "Sacramento is the capital of California" ) —rather, it is a process—an art and a science that you have to teach yourself. I can only serve as a guide, and a coach.

However, if you talk to real-world professional programmers, they'll tell you that this is a very important real world skill! So if we want you to be a highly qualified software professional when you graduate, we need to take this on together.

The code distributed with this homework assignment is my attempt to point you in the right direction. But to learn to write you will have to study it, and ask yourself—and me, and each other—what makes the documentation good or bad.

You'll probably have to write lots of bad documentation, and listen to me explain how to make it better, before you can start writing good documentation. We'll need to have lots of conversations about what distinguishes good from bad documentation—recognizing that it is difficulty to come up with "absolute rules" about something that is rather subjective.

What is this " Organizing the Namespace" stuff?

Suppose you find two classes out there that you want to use in your program:

What? They are both called PhotoBuffer?

Yes, and furthermore, you need to use both of them in your code. How did they end up with the same name? Easy: they were developed by two different programmers who never imagined that they'd be used in the same program.

Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem in Java—it is called "packages". Every time you develop a Java class, you can put it into a package that has a unique name in all of the world, and you can be sure that there will never be a naming conflict.

How can we be sure that the name is unique in all the world?

We choose a package name this way:

Actually, we could leave out the cisc370 part, but it is good to include it, to distinguish Java packages you develop for this course from those you might develop for another course.

What this looks like in the code

At the top of each of your source files, the very first line of code (other than comments) should be:

package edu.udel.cisc370.jstudent.Formats;

You also must create a subdirectory tree that mirrors this package name, and put your code in that subdirectory tree, like this:

> mkdir -p edu/udel/cisc370/jstudent/Formats
> cd edu/udel/cisc370/jstudent/Formats
> emacs

Compiling then gets a little trickier. If you stick with compiling with Ant (following the example in this homework assignment) it should all just "work out", but if you try compiling at the command line, you'll need to learn a bit more.

Where can I learn more?

All the details about using packages, and compiling at the command line with packages are explained very nicely in your textbook! I strongly encourage you to look over this before starting the assignment.

In your HFJ textbook on these pages: p154-155, p587-589, p590, p591
Also see the reading notes
on the wiki for these pages:
p154-155, p587-589, p590, p591
If you have a Safari subscription,
these links will take you to the pages
p154-155, p587-589, p590, p591


Required Reading

Java Extreme Programming Cookbook


You may collaborate—same rules as for H02

Please review the rules from H02 regarding collaboration.

What you'll do in this assignment

In this assignment, you'll work with a package called Formats, containing two classes.

FormattedTitles is used to produce titles that are formatted nicely. For example, you might want to center the words "Welcome to my program" in a field of 80 characters, like this:

                             Welcome to my program

Here, we have 29 spaces before the words, and 30 afterwards, approximately centering the words in the 80 character wide space. The FormattedTitles class can do this with the following code:

System.out.println(FormattedTitles.CenteredTitle("Welcome to my program",80));

The class has three other methods to do various kinds of formatted titles. You can browse the JavaDoc for this class here:

In fact, you can find a complete distribution of this package, at the following link:


Just one problem: the job isn't finished! That's where you come in...

So, here's a "to do list" for this package:

But, before you can do that, you need to set up your development environment for this project.

Set up your development environment

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Setup a directory on strauss under the directory called something like ~/cisc370/h03.
  2. Get the tar or zip distribution, and unpack it into this directory.
  3. Type "ant" and see the menu of options
  4. Try the "ant dist" option.
  5. After typing the "ant dist" option, do the command chmod -R a+rx ~/public_html/cisc370

If you do, you should then find that the web link below (after you change youruserid to, well, your user id)

then has a distribution of this code, just like the one under the link

Change the package name

The next thing you should do is change the name of the package from edu.udel.cisc370.pconrad.Formats, substituting your own userid in place of pconrad. This will require

What exactly these changes are is something I'm leaving as an exercise to you. Figuring this out will require you to do the reading about packages in your HFJ textbook, and the reading about Ant and JUnit in your XP Cookbook.

Go through the todo list, item by item.

(The todo list appears above. There is also list of hints in a comment in both the and source files.)

Then when you are finished with that to-do list, see if there is anything else that needs to be done for this package to be usable. When you are satisfied that it is complete, submit it, following the instructions below.

Finishing and Submitting

Submit your work on WebCT for the assignment marked H03. Upload and submit BOTH

Your tar or zip files should NOT contain your .class files—but if you followed the build.xml example properly, your "ant dist" task should create a tarball and zip file automatically that is in the proper form.

In addition—go to the Wiki page named 07J_H03, and make sure that there is a link to your distribution on that page.

Think carefully about your scripting strategy.

Re-read the notes from H02 about scripting before you do your script.

Hint: A good practice would be to incorporate your scripting strategy into an Ant target, so that when you go to script, the process is automated!

Reminder: Submit your code both in your .txt file and in your .tar file

A reminder: even though your distribution file contains your Java source, you are still required to "cat" this source code in your .txt file, and submit it in both forms. If you do not, you will lose points.

Here's why: Submitting both allows your TA the ability to

Of course, the two should agree—if they don't, that's also a potential grading deduction. So if you make changes to your code, be sure that you redo both your script, and your tar/zip file.

Grading Rubric (100 pts total)

Item Description Points
Functionality The program actual works—it does what it is supposed to do when you run it 25
Unit Testing Your code includes appropriate Unit tests, and those unit tests can be run from the build.xml file. 20
Style The program logic is clear and well documented. It is easy for someone to read your program and understand how the program works. 15
Deployment The build.xml file is clear, and operates correctly. It contains tasks for compiling, running unit tests, running the code, producing javadoc (and deploying it to the web), and creating a distribution file and posting it to the web. 10
Web Site There is a web site under your userid on where your javadoc is available, your code is available (in tarball/zip and browsable source form). There is a brief explanation of your code, and link to the assignment. You have updated the indicated wiki page with a link to this site. 10
Scripting Your script clearly demonstrates the functions of the program, and includes a reasonable amount of testing. 10
Following Directions Both submitted files (e.g. script and (tarball or zip)) are submitted according to directions, and all other aspects of the project comply with instructions given. 10
Total Points    


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