Compiling Java Programs on Strauss (by P. Conrad, last updated 06/05/2007) To compile java programs on strauss: Type java -version to see which version of Java you are using. If the one you see isn't Java 1.5.* (where * is any number---at the time of this writing, it is 0), then you'll need to make a change to your .cshrc file so that you are running the correct version. You can do: ls /usr/jdk* to list all the versions available. Then, edit your .localenv file (this assumes you are using tcsh or csh; directions will vary for bash, but the idea is similar) and insert the following (selecting the appropriate /usr/jdk___ version in place of /usr/jdk1.5): if -d /usr/jdk1.5 then setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/jdk1.5 setenv NEWPATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$NEWPATH setenv MANPATH $JAVA_HOME/man:$MANPATH endif Make sure the file ends with a blank line. If you log out and log in again, then you should have the version of Java you want. If you have a really "messed up" .cshrc and .login file from years of messing around with it, this might not work. Equally, this wont work if you have NO .cshrc and/or .login file. In that case, you can execute the following shell script to start over with a fresh copy with all the latest correct paths: ~consult/proto/setup This will back up your current versions of .login, .cshrc and .localenv with the current date appended to the end, so you can go back in and retrieve all your favorite aliases and customizations. Almost everything else you need to know is at: Click on J for Java (at the top of the screen) then click on Java