Protopuppy: An example of an embedded Shockwave-Flash movie (swf file)

Protopuppy comes from a site called I learned about this page from a Google Ad with the following copy:

Web 2.0 Springboard
Try the latest in sticky Web 2.0 technology

Here's protopuppy

Here are things you can do with protopuppy (copied from the page

1. Feed Protopuppy a bone
(either place it on the ground or over his head)

2. Play fetch with the ball

(either place it on the ground or throw it into the distance)

3. Pet Protopuppy

(try clicking both his head and his body)

Putting a protopuppy on your web page:

You can find the code to embed a protopuppy in a web page at Note that this is a type of advertising—if you put a protopuppy on your page, and folks click where it says "more...", they are directed to the web site. This is, of course, exactly what the creators of the protopuppy are hoping for!

If you decide to put a protopuppy on one of your web pages, I'd encourage you to read up on the <embed> element on p. 643 of your Head First HTML text. This explains a little bit about the element that these folks are using to put this object on your web page.

Phill Conrad, 09/15/2007, for CISC103, Fall 2007, University of Delaware