Lecture Notes for CISC103, Fall 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005

More on CSS

Be sure you look over the page "What you need to know about CSS for the CISC103 Final" (http://copland.udel.edu/~pconrad/cisc103/05F/examples/CSS.html).

From the Essentials for Design book,Level Two, the lecture on CSS, for the final you should know the material in lessons 1, 2 and 4.

Practice with binary, octal, hex, decimal conversions

See quiz2.html

Other notes:

  1. Remember that variables declared outside of functions are global variables
    They are known to ALL functions in the page.

A sample final exam quesiton dealing with getElementById().


Suppose you have the following HTML

This is a <span id="kindOfDay">yucky</span> day.

<form id="theForm" action="">
<input type="button" value="happiness" onclick="_______________" />

Fill in the blank, so that when you click on the button, "yucky" turns to "awesome."



This is a yucky day.