URL Params Demo

URL parameters are added to the end of the address of many web pages in order to send information to a client or server side script.

For an example, go do the UD Courses Search page at the URL:


If you fill in the fields (e.g. for Fall 2005, CISC103) and click submit, the URL that comes up is:


Note that this URL has a number of URL parameters. These are the parts that come after the ?. Here are some of the parameters in the URL above:

parameter name   parameter value
term = 05F
course_sec = CISC103
course_title = (empty)
... continued... all remaining params are empty

This page illustrates the same idea. If you add URL parameters to the URL for this page and load it, you'll see those parameters appear in the table below.

The source code illustrates how to pull those out of the URL and put them into the table.