09.29.txt 09/29/2005 CISC103 Lecture Notes Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 in the Pink Book (Deitel/Deitel 3e) Examples are online.. can be found at http://www.deitel.com welcome.html: We said a few things about the attribute xmlns on the html tag. welcome2.html from Chapter 7: Note the use of the \" " " are used to "delimit" strings in JavaScript delimit is a Computer Science word "mark the beginning and the end of something" If you want to really print a " you have to put a \ in front of it. Another alternative is to use a single quote... HTML allows the use of single quotes for attributes: So, it is possible to avoid having to use the \ if you just alternate between using single quotes ' and " for your JavaScript write or writeln. If you leave off the quotes on the outside, like this: You'll get a JavaScript error.. document.write(

); If you leave off the quotes on the value of the attribute, the attribute gets ignored: document.write( "

" ); Forward slashes: http:// Unix directory names: /home/usra/d9/55560 is my home directory on copland.udel.edu // JavaScript comments battingAverage = hits / atBats; // the / here means "divide" Backslashes: C:\WINDOWS (path names, directory names under windows) \n \" \\ to get newline, " or a backslash as part of a string in JavaScript