09.15.txt Notes for 09/15/05, CISC103 NOTE TO SELF: link to http://www.ecl.udel.edu/~acm from Conrad's web site. Association for Computing Machinery, Student Chapter gen. interest meeting: 7:30PM next wed Gore 104 (1) Review of "Scripts" We saw last time that we can nest a script element inside the body element of an html page. That script element can use a for loop to fill in the detail of a table of values, e.g. decimal to binary conversion. Here's another example: celsius to farenheit conversion. Here, instead of incrementing by 1 each time by using i++ we use tempC+=10 to increase temp by 10 each time. Also, we start at -10 and go all the way to 40. JavaScript Celsius to Farenheit Table
Note that the + sign in the line: is "concatenation", which is a fancy word for "stick together". Both of the following have the same effect on the web page: Version 1: document.write("" + tempC + ""); // celsius temp Version 2: document.write(""); document.write(tempC); // celsius temp document.write(""); In version 1, the + sign is not addition (like 2 + 3 = 5) but instead is "concatentation". The way you know it is concatenation is by the "type of the operands". If write document.write( 2 + 3); I will get "5" in the output, because the "operands" of the + operator are both numbers. But, if I write document.write ("2" + "3"); I will get "23" in the output, because the type of both operands is a "string". (A thing in quotes). The following will be the result of doing document.write("2" + "3"); 23 The following will be the result of doing document.write(2 + 3); 5 The + is called a "binary operator" because it has two operands. The left operand in the case of 2 + 3 is the two, and the right operand is the 5. If the type of either operand is a string, we do string concatenation. If the type of both operands is numeric, we do regular addition. In addition to binary operators, we have unary operators. Unary operators take only one operand. For example: i++; The ++ is an operator that has only one operand, namely the variable i. tempF = 1.8 * tempC + 32; // convert the temperature The right operand of * is tempC The left operand of * is 1.8 The right operand of + is 32 but the left operand of + is NOT tempC. It is the "result" of (1.8 * tempC). (2) Showing the power of scripts: a simple change can make a big difference. First, lets change one thing in our script. We'll add a variable called "step". "step" will be the value that gets added to the celsius temperature each time through the loop. In the previous example, the step was 10. We'll make a variable for step, so we can change it to 5 or 2 or whatever we like. I'm only showing here the changed part of the script: var step = 5; for (tempC = -10; tempC <= 40; tempC+=step) [Show here what happens when you change the value to 10 or to 2. Especially note what happens for the celsius temperature of 26 when you change the value to 2... though it might not happen on every machine... ] [Also show what happens if you change the variable tempC to tempc... in both Firefox and Internet Explorer.] A link for "script debugging" in Internet Explorer: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2004/10/26/247912.aspx Short version: To debug scripts in IE, go to "Tools/Internet Options/Advanced" and then, under "Browsing", uncheck where it says: "Disable Script Debugging" @@@ NOTE TO SELF: Did not cover #3... only showed the page. (3) User interaction With the previous example, we (the web designer/programmer) had to change the script to get the page to change. What we would prefer is for the user to be able to interact with the page directly. We'll need to get there in small understandable steps. Let's look first at a more modest page: javascriptCelsiusToFaren.html This page allows us to enter values for the celsius temperature and then calculate the value for the farenheit temperature. We see a few new HTML elements: form and input. We see the following nesting:
We see that we can next a table inside a form element, and an input element inside a table cell ("td") element. Note that the input element is a "self-closing tag". Take a look now at the attributes of the form and input elements: form attribute: name There are other attributes but we'll only mention "name" for now. Name is obvious.. it gives the form a name. We'll need to refer to this form elsewhere in our HTML code and our JavaScript code, so we give it a name so we can "call it something". There can be more than one form in an HTML file, so we need to able to give the forms names. input attributes: name type size maxlength and onclick There are other attributes, but these are enough for the time being. The name attribute works just like the name attribute for the form. We'll mention the other attributes as we go along. We also see something else new: defining a JavaScript function definition. Inside the script element is function calculate() { document.temperatureForm.tempF.value = 1.8 * document.temperatureForm.tempC.value + 32; } A function is some JavaScript that is not executed immediately. We define it as something we'll "call on later". It's like a recipe. You don't eat the recipe... you use the recipe later to make something to eat. If you buy a cake you can only eat it once. But if you buy a cake recipe, you can use that recipe over and over again to make lots of cakes. We see that the function definition is followed by one JavaScript statement, that initializes the value of the tempC input box to 0. We then see a "function call" or a "function invocation": calculate(); When the name of the function appears by itself, it is a command to the JavaScript interpreter in the Web Browser to "just do it!", that is, to "bake the cake!". Inside the function definition, we see what the function does; it sets the value of the tempF input box to the corresponding value of whatever is in the tempC box. We also see that the onchange element of the tempC input box also contains a function call to calculate(); Whenever you change the tempC input box, that function gets called. We can see that by temporarily putting the following code inside the function definition for calculate(). function calculate() { alert("Function calculate is being called!!!!"); document.temperatureForm.tempF.value = 1.8 * document.temperatureForm.tempC.value + 32; } Then, every time the function gets called, the alert box will appear. That will get really annoying, so we'll take it out after we demonstrate this... (Also note that when I write calculate(), I put a set of parentheses after it to let you, the reader, know that it is a function.) Over time, we'll see how to combine the two web pages we saw today... i.e. to have a form where you can enter the start, end, and step values for the for loop that produces our Celsius to Farenheit conversion table. Another mystery is that crazy "26". Why did we get 78.80000000000001 instead of 78.8? We'll unravel that one two. To do so, we'll have to look again at how numbers are stored in binary. We'll try to understand the theory, and also the practical things we can do to make sure that numbers like 78.80000000000001 don't make our web pages look goofy, or worse, cause something to break. But for now, let's turn our attention instead back to CSS. (4) Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to make web pages that are both attractive and maintainable. In the early days, when Netscape and Internet Explorer first came on the scene, the way people made web pages look nice was with the tag:

Phill's Web Page

My Teaching





My Research

Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP)

Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool)

My Service

CIS Dept. Undergrad Committee

Advisor, Student ACM Chapter

The problem is that this is a lot of work to maintain. If I want to change a font, I have to do a search and replace on every heading. The solution to this is the style sheet: [Show how to do it with a style sheet here]. [Then look again at the Web pages for the course calendar. Show how we might convert the not so pretty CISC103 course calendar into one that looks prettier.. more like the CISC105 and CISC181 course calendars.]