Course Outline - Introduction To Computers

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

Safely turn a computer on and off and recognize computer terminology.

Learn terminology - components of a PC, hardware/software, files, boot up process, drives, software vs. hardware; bytes, memory, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, ROM, RAM; boot up, use mouse, right click, left click and drag, open menus, become familiar with keyboard, i.e. spacebar, control keys, function keys, esc key, cursor movement keys. Explore program menus like Paint and Wordpad, play solitaire; open windows, minimize, maximize, close

Use the mouse to open, close and utilize programs.

Become familiar with components such as title bar, text boxes, control buttons, tabs, keyboard shortcuts; open Windows Explorer to understand files, use menus, buttons, scroll bars'; open My Computer, format a diskette, learn System Reset (ctrl alt del).

Perform basic word processing skills.

Start Word - type short document, save, preview, print. Basic editing such as backspace, delete. Select text and add formatting. Become familiar with toolbars, mouse pointer vs. insertion point; learn basic cursor moves, text selection; copy and paste text; insert clipart, move, resize and delete images.

Start an internet browser and do basic surfing.

Access Internet - start Explorer, use buttons and menus, identify URL/address location, drop down arrows, etc. Search for specific sites, use hyperlinks, use back button; Use Email - start Outlook, send and receive mail, insert picture, mail an attachment.