CISC103 Fall 2005 E01 Study Guide


Partial List of things you need to know (not necessarily complete)

Also take a look at this except from the lecture notes of

(1) How to declare variables in JavaScript e.g. 

      var x; // declare one variable
      var x, y, z, result;  // declare a list of several variables

 (1a) Know that every statement should end in a semicolon

(2) How to prompt for a value

     var xVal;

      xVal = window.prompt("Enter first integer:",0);

   // note that this gets the value of xVal AS A STRING
   // note that "prompt" is a "method" of the "window object".

(3)  How to convert a string value to a numeric value       

      x = parseInt(xVal);
	    //  parseInt is used with "integers" ... whole numbers such as 1, 4, 5, 127, -23, 56

	    x = parseFloat(xVal);

	    //  parseFloat is used with "real numbers" 
     //  ... numbers like 1, 4, 5, 127, -23, 56, but also
     //       1.5,  9.99, -34.5, 129.6234, etc.                                             

     // Note that we call parseInt a "function" rather than 
     // a "method" because it is not invoked using the "dot notation"
     // in the same way that document.writeln() or window.prompt() are.

     // Rule: all methods are functions, but not all functions are methods.

(4)   How to do math with an assignment statement:

     var result;
     result = x * y * z;

(5)   How to print out a result into the document:

      document.writeln("<h1> The product is " + 
                         result + "</h1>");

Take a look at 07.06.Addition.html to review these concepts...

More stuff to know from Chapter 4 of Deitel/Deitel/Goldberg

p. 83: Three things that can be in a head element: title element, stylesheet, script.

p. 84 XHTML elements need to be lowercase, attribute values need to be in "" or ''

p. 84: it is good practice to indent your HTML

p. 87 there are six levels of h1, h2, etc.. up through h6

p. 89 a and href.... a is an element, href is an attribute

p. 92 <br /> element, <hr /> element are in XHTML self-closing elements

In old style HTML, you can write <hr> to get a horizontal rule, but in XHTML the tag must be closed either by <hr></hr> or <hr /> Same applies to <br />

p. 95 know &lt; &gt; &amp; these are called "character entity references"

sections 4.9 and 4.10 cover ul and ol elements


Things that will be on the next midterm, not this one:

img element, src, height, width and alt attributes

Deitel/Deitel/Goldberg: 5.4 through 5.11, 6 (CSS) will NOT be on this midterm but will be on the next midterm

Essentials for Design, JavaScript Level 1: Project 5, Project 7 lesson 6

Essentials For Design: JavaScript Level 2: Project 6 (CSS)