Expedition | People | More Pictures | Maps
Principal Investigators |
Humfrey Melling
Chief Scientist
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
Humfrey is a physical oceanographer with research interests in high latitude
oceanography and sea ice. With technical and scientific colleagues at the Institute
of Ocean Sciences, Humfrey pioneered the application of aircraft-based techniques to
the study of ice-covered oceans. Since 1980, he has carried out a wide variety of
ocean measurements using such techniques in the Beaufort Sea, the Arctic Ocean and
the myriad channels of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
[more at http://www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/osap/people/mell
Kelly Falkner
Scientist [Profile]
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Kelly was Chief Scientist on the 2003 Nares Strait expedition of the Healy. She is a
chemical oceanographer with over 10 years experience working in Arctic regions. Her interests range and cover many
areas that include physics, geology, chemistry, and people aspects of oceanography. The Canadian Archipelago
Throughflow Study is many ways a synthesis of her skills.
Kelly also contributes significantly to the North Pole observatory which consists of collecting water samples
regularily for analyses of water mass tracers between northern Ellesmere Island and the North Pole.
[more at http://chemoc.coas.oregonstate.edu:16080/~kkfalkner]
Andreas Münchow
Scientist [Profile]
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Andreas is a physical oceanographer who focuses on coastal and Arctic dynamics. He has sailed
mostly on Canadian icebreakers over the last 10 years with an expertise to measure ocean currents
using acoustic Doppler current profilers. Andreas will
conduct processing of the data from recovered moored instruments for quality assurance before they redeployed.
[more at http://newark.cms.udel.edu/~muenchow]
Professionals |
David Huntley
Mooring Technician
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
David is the mooring technician responsible who will work
on all aspects of the instruments to be recovered and re-deployed on this expedition.
David has sailed on Canadian icebreakers since 1997 and involved himself in all aspects of sea-going
oceanography. [more at http://copland.udel.edu/~dhuntley]
Ron Lindsey
Electronics Technician
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
Ron provides electronic support for oceanographic instrumentation, acoustic releases, CTD casts, and ADCP moorings.
He ensures that necessary signals get transmitted to these instruments. He repairs, modifies, and upgrades
equipment to make sure it serves the needs of the scientists.
Helen Johnson
Post Doctoral Fellow with Ocean Physics and School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Helen uses models, observations, and theory to understand more about the global ocean circulation, ocean mixing,
and the flow through straits. She recently completed a PhD thesis on the Atlantic thermohaline overturning
circulation, for which freshwater input from the Arctic is crucial.
[more at http://maelstrom.seos.uvi.ca/people/helen]
Students |
Lauren Brown
Undergraduate Student
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Lauren is an undergraduate Physics major. She will serve as the web-master for these pages processing
and posting content that we hope to send to her from the field.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0230236. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.