Canadian Archepelago Throughflow Study
Daily Logs
Log - July-17-2003
by Andreas Münchow (

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Loading more gear in Newfoundland:
After the Healy finished her 18 hour stop at a gas station in St. John's taking on 600,000 gallons of fuel, Dave and I walked to town for about 45 minutes. It felt good to be ashore after a week at sea, the ground was still moving ever so slightly as the body adjusts to the slightest motion at sea very fast. It's a funny feeling to be ashore and the body tries to adjust to ship motions that are not there anymore because we on land.

In the evening we found some very pleasant pubs with music. Together with a number of ship crew and fellow scientists we met some more crew members in a town whose focus is very much the ocean and the men and women working it.
The Chief Scientist Kelly Falkner arrived from Oregon today and went to work pretty much right away. At least two truck loads of science gear arrived from British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Massachussetts, and California. I've got to run right now inspecting some of the gear from California as one of the boxes has damage on the outside. Hopefully the instruments inside (tide gauges) are ok.

Back from inspecting the gear, the damage did not penetrate the packaging box, but we will still need to check the instrument for internal damage caused by the impact. Such is work preparing for sea. All the gear shown in the picture will need to find a home and we have already several truck loads stored inside.